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How Long Will My Social Security Disability Claim Take?


Social Security Disability is available for individuals who suffer from disabilities which prevent them from working or otherwise leading a normal and/or functional life. These disabilities must be of serious nature, including but not limited to cancer, heart disease, HIV, epilepsy, diabetes, arthritis, and more. Some of these disabilities are preexisting conditions, while some can be inherited through an accident or injury, in which case it is essential you have a Schuylkill County personal injury attorney on your side to ensure you obtain the compensation and benefits you are entitled to. It can be frustrating to be in need of Social Security Disability benefits and to be denied of what you rightfully deserve; our team at The Law Offices of Anthony Urban, P.C. believes you shouldn’t have to face this problem alone.

If you are wondering how long your social security disability claim will take, the truth is, there is no clear answer. Approval or denial is dependent on a number of factors and variables, including the number of times you have previously attempted to undergo the process. Additionally, there are a number of levels and steps to be taken, and any one of them can be delayed for whatever reason. Therefore, it is difficult to place an accurate length of time on the entirety of the Social Security Disability claim process.

If one’s disability or condition is terminal, his or her disability process is thus fast-tracked through a different system known as the TERI process, which aims to resolve in less than 30 days.

Contact Our Experienced & Skilled Schuylkill County Personal Injury Lawyer Today

If you or a loved one is in need of a Schuylkill County personal injury attorney to fight for the rights you deserve, particularly in the event of a Social Security Disability claim, look no further than The Law Offices of Anthony Urban, P.C. Our legal team is committed to ensuring you have an advocate you can rely on for the entirety of your case. You won’t regret having us on your side during this challenging time.

If you would like to schedule an initial consultation with a member of our firm, you may do so by calling (888) 268-0023 at your earliest convenience.